10 02/18 INSULATION OF JOINTS: After completion of test attach preformed polyurethane insulation half shells using fiberglass tape. Push Casing-Tite Sleeve over the insulated joint so that it is positioned evenly. CLOSURE OF JOINTS: Apply the factory supplied Casing-Tite Seal circumferentially around the seam between the sleeve and the casing pipe. Overlap seal 3 inches. BACKFILLING: Backfilling of trenches shall progress as rapidly as construction, testing, and acceptance of work permits. Uniformly compact and grade bottom of trenches. After installation of pipe and bedding material, backfill as follows: Place initial backfill in layers to a depth of 12 inches of the initial bedding. Compact the material to a density equivalent to the surrounding undisturbed soil or to 90 percent of maximum density (ASTM D1557, Method D), whichever is greater. Backfill remainder of trench in one-foot lifts and compact to 90 percent maximum density (ASTM D1557, Method D). For trenches excavated in roads, streets, or located under structures, place backfill in 6-inch layers to top of trench and compact each layer to at least 95 percent maximum density (ASTM D 1557, Method D). FLANGED JOINTS: Flanged joints shall be faced true, provided with gaskets, and made perfectly square and tight. FIELD CUTTING PIPE TO A SPECIFIC LENGTH Determine the exact length of carrier pipe needed. Mark the casing at this point. Measure back 6 inches on both sides and mark the casing at these points using a wrap-around.