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2 02/18 WALL PENETRATION SLEEVES: Provide where piping passes through masonry or concrete walls, floors, and roofs. Sleeves in outside walls below and above grade, in floor, or in roof slabs, shall be schedule 40 or standard weight coated black steel pipe or as specified by the Design Engineer. Space between the casing OD and the sleeve ID shall never be less than ½". Sleeves shall be held securely in proper position and location during construction. Sleeves shall be of sufficient length to pass through entire thickness of walls or slabs. Sleeves in floor slabs shall extend 2 inches above the finished floor. Refer to typical detail of wall penetration as shown. In existing concrete manholes or building walls, penetrations may be made using the "core drilling" method providing proper care is taken to drill the holes to the size needed and square to the line of the pipe. WALL PENETRATION SEALS: All wall penetrations shall be sealed to prevent water from entering the building or manhole. The sealing material shall be as specified by the engineer. WELD TITE APPLICATION ENGINEERING PIPE SYSTEM DESIGN: Standard design techniques and practices for WELD-TITE shall be used. Thermal Pipe Systems, Inc. Engineering Department may provide the detailed design of the piping for each project based on the project documents and drawings provided by the Design Engineer. It is understood that the project specifications and layout drawings will specify the type of service, location of the site, temperature and pressure classifications, soil conditions, general path and elevations of the system, location and design of manholes, known obstacles, size of the carrier pipe, and the maximum permissible heat losses. It is further understood that other requirements such as the type of pipe, the location, size, and capacity of valves, traps, pumps, anchors, controls, expansion devices and special structural elements will be provided by the Design Engineer. The design provided by Thermal Pipe Systems, Inc. and their engineers for the piping will be in accordance with ANSI B31.1 and good engineering practices. Fluid flow design will be based on Hazen-Williams formula with "C" Factor of 100, or a variation of the Euler formula for water flow. INSULATION: Thickness of insulation for WELD-TITE pipe shall be as shown on page three. TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE: Weld-Tite piping system and all of its components are designed to operate up to 150psig at 250ºF, plus typical surges. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS of insulated WELD-TITE piping are as shown on page three. The WELD-TITE piping may be furnished in 20 ft. and/or 40 ft. lengths.