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7 02/18 necessary, in handling this claim. Do not dispose of damaged material - the carrier will notify you of the procedure to follow. UNLOADING INSTRUCTIONS: The means by which the pipes are unloaded in the field is the decision and responsibility of the installing contractor. The use of forklift type equipment frequently simplifies and speeds up the unloading of larger sizes and usually provides extra protection against damage in handling. To prevent the possibility of the core pipe from shifting within the casing pipe, do not stand a length on one end or raise it vertically. Under no condition should a pipe be dragged along the ground. Do not lift fittings or pipe by inserting a bar, pipe, etc., inside of the core, damage to the pipe may result. If any pipe is damaged in unloading and handling, mark the damaged area and set it aside. A Thermal Pipe Systems, Inc. representative will determine whether the damaged casing can be repaired in the field and will determine exact method for repair and instruct the contractor in making the repair. COLD WEATHER HANDLING FOR PVC CASED PIPE: As the temperature approaches and drops below freezing, the flexibility and impact resistance of VEE-TITE piping is reduced. PVC casing becomes hard and brittle in cold weather and will crack more readily if dropped or hit. Therefore, extra care should be used when handling during cold weather. Pipe at the bottom of a stack may become out-of-round due to the weight of material above it. At normal application temperatures, this corrects itself soon after the load is removed. Under freezing conditions, this recovery to full initial roundness may take several hours. STORAGE: Store pipe on dunnage in a flat area. Support the barrel of the casing evenly. Spigot ends should overhang dunnage. Store random lengths separately where they will be readily available. Individual lengths of pipe should be stacked in piles no higher than 5 feet. It should be noted that when PVC pipe is stored outside and exposed to prolonged periods of sunlight, an obvious discoloration of the pipe can occur. This coloration is a surface layer of hardened plastic and does not inhibit the long-term properties and performance of the pipe. A method of protecting pipe during long exposures (several months) to sunlight is to cover it with canvas or other opaque material. Do not use clear plastic sheets and be sure to provide for air circulation under the sheets. LOADING TRANSFER TRUCKS: Use trucks with long bodies so that pipe lengths do no overhang. Make certain truck bed is smooth, without cross-strips, bolt heads, or other protrusions that could damage the pipe. Short body trucks may be used if fitted with racks that properly support the pipe in a horizontal position. The rack should have supports spaced every 3 feet or less along the pipe lengths. Pad the contact areas to avoid damage to the pipe.